7 Steps to Style is a colour and style consultation program and is ideal for you if want to nail down your body and colouring particulars, discover your style values, learn how to build an effective and stylish wardrobe for your lifestyle and needs, plus get tips to shop like a professional.
It includes 12 months access to the Evolve Your Style program as a bonus too! The 7 Steps to Style online personal style program is the next best thing to having Imogen working with you in your wardrobe to help you understand all your colour and style fundamentals.
This Online Personal Style Program Includes:
- Our membership website with all the program materials
- Over 160 pages of workbooks packed full of colour illustrations and information
- In excess of 14 illuminating video tutorials
- Webinars for each of the 7 Steps to Style
- Your Personal colour analysis by Imogen to discover which of your 18 palettes suits you best
- Body Shape analysis
- Face Shape analysis
- Exclusive content that you’ll never find on Inside Out Style Blog
- Monthly interactive Facebook Live video sessions to answer your style dilemmas – these are recorded and added to the membership materials so you can watch them at a time that suits you.
- Free 12 month membership to my life-changing 31 day Evolve Your Style Challenge
- 7 Steps Webinar library to watch at your leisure
- Video tutorials that accompany each step in your style journey
- Comprehensively illustrated workbooks and colour tools
- VIP access to my private 7 Steps Facebook community (optional)
- Your purse friendly colour swatch card of your colour palette
- Opportunity to purchase a full-colour swatch of 50 colours and have Imogen chose your signature colours.
- My professional opinion on your body shape to assist you in discovering which styles work best for you
- The ability to go at your own pace to suit your lifestyle and needs
- Unlimited lifetime access to all program materials and any future updates
- We also have a payment plan option.